Other Councils
Events Around the Country
This is a rundown of upcoming Great Books events in the United States and Canada. Most of these are organized by Great Books Regional Councils; some are organized by related organizations. Click the links for further details and to register for the events.
October 19-20: Northern California Great Books Long Novel Weekend (Zoom)
Reading: Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Note: Signups for this event have reached a maximum, and registration is now closed.
November 8-10: Philadelphia Great Books Fall Institute (Pendle Hill, Wallingford, PA)
Theme: Individuation. Readings: Charles Dickens, Great Expectations; Jill Ker Conway, The Road from Coorain; Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club; selected poetry.
November 16-17: Northern California Great Books Poetry Weekend
February 8, 2025: Northern California Great Books San Francisco Mini-Retreat (Zoom)
March 14-16, 2025: Northern California Great Books Asilomar Weekend (Pacific Grove, CA)
Readings TBD.